It’s breathtaking when they open the 8 ton bronze doors to her temple and let the Sun shine in. She is stunning, even bedazzling to behold (when was the last time you stood in front of so much gold?). The East Frieze on Athena’s Parthenon, it is claimed, contained all the elements of Plato’s Atlantis texts and suggests that the Parthenon was built to commemorate both Athena and Hephaestus Enki, since they both championed the Athenians in the epic War between Athens and Atlantis.Ĭlothed in leaves of 23.75-karat gold leaf in 2002, Nashville’s golden goddess replicates what historians believe the original statue of Athena looked like. In Greek myth the god of smithcraft/alchemy, Hephaestus (the Sumerian Enki), crafted this rod for Athena. The Parthenon-Nashville is a duplicate of Athena’s temple Her giant serpent rises at her feet, the protector of the acropOlis ‘place of secrets’ at Athens. She’s the tallest indoor sculpture in the Western world.Ĭonsidered to be the Serpent’s Eve reborn and exalted after the Deluge THE SINKING OF AT L A N T I S, the immortal Athena stands with her holy rod of power and spear in her hand. Inside is sculptor Alan LeQuire’s masterpiece commissioned in 1982, a 41-foot, 10-inch tall statue of the lost Athena-Parthenos. Nashville is called “the Athens of the South.” Her life-size copy of the Parthenon was constructed in 1897 to celebrate Tennessee’s Centennial and rebuilt in the 1920s. Photo © John Partipilo THE VIRGIN’S TEMPLE Hermes stands tall atop Nashville’s Union Station Hotel

In fact, understood in its spiritual sense Nashville may be the ultimate Hermetic city light center. They clearly point to Nashville’s Hermetic nature. Sitchin says he was the model for the Serpent of Wisdom of Genesis and is considered the bearer of mystic secrets.Īs I will show, Nashville’s talismans have deep connections to Enki and the Anunnaki. The far older Sumerians called him Lord Enki, the god of smithcraft and alchemy, who led the Anunnaki, the ‘fifty gods who came to earth from heaven’. Hancock and Bauval claim the secrets these ‘illumined ones’ are transmitting originated with Hermes, the Greek name for the legendary instructor, prophet and scribe deified by the Egyptians as the god Thoth and known to the Hebrews as Enoch, who was “snatched” into heaven by a whirlwind and (star) walked with God. It’s a way of keeping myths alive and hiding secrets in plain sight that counts on the total blindness of the average individual to the esoteric language of symbols. Knowledge encoded in the shapes (geometry) and symbols of various mystical buildings and other constructions can stand for centuries. Books, these craftsmen know, can be burned. The designers of these ‘light centers’ (my term) used what the French alchemist Schwaller De Lubicz called “the Symbolique”, the use of mystical architecture as a means of knowledge transmission. They endowed these cities with spiritual power through architecture. In their book, Talisman: Sacred Cities, Secret Faith, Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval soundly document that the architecture of great cities such as Paris and Washington DC are secretly being used by Hermeticists, Masons and alchemists to transmit hidden knowledge from antiquity. There may be a very provocative reason for this. Athena and the Cosmic Axis are alive and well in Music City. Myths require reinterpretation to stay alive. They are both ceremonial centers, power points of peace and community gathering that could play an essential role in the drama of our world in coming years. Their myths and symbols are interconnected. Though constructed one hundred years apart these temples belong together. By a masterstroke of synchronicity, it is patterned like the world axis, Mount Meru, the cosmic pillar or axis at the center of the world ascended by Buddha, and known throughout the ages as the model for all Trees of Life. The other is a $55 million 2,200-foot long rod laid out and growing on 19 acres at the base of the Tennessee State Capitol mound. One temple is the “Queen of Heaven” Athena’s Parthenon “Virgin-temple”, 438 B.C., Athens, Greece It is an impressive fact that Nashville, Tennessee, my home, is the only city in the world that has reinterpretations of two epic temples from antiquity.