In the beginning of 2020, I was cold-emailing my songs to entertainment lawyers, artist A&Rs, publishing companies… just anyone who would take a chance on me and hopefully get my songs placed with artists I’ve always looked up to. I’m heavily influenced by songwriting icons John Mayer and Sara Bareilles, but also pop/r&b queen legends Beyoncé, Whitney Houston and Ariana Grande. I love to write vulnerable, tear-jerking piano ballads about the most severe symptoms of heartbreak, but also enthusiastic, upbeat pop earworms about being a fucking bad-ass HAHA.

I’ve been songwriting since I was 8 years old, but I always thought I’d write for popstars someday because I didn’t think I could fit into the old, antiquated stereotype of what an artist used to be (ya know… skinny, sexy, wearing fancy clothes vibes, etc. I never thought I’d be writing a bio like this because I didn’t think I’d be the artist. And every day, with the help of this song and the love in my heart, I continue to be brave until the day I'm holding my Puppy Face for eternity.HI ICONS! I’m Jules Brave and I’m a pop singer/songwriter from NYC who you could probably spot anywhere wearing bright-blue Beats headphones and drinking a Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino LOL. This song went from something I had never heard before to one of my favorites of all time. She wants me to be brave so that one day her and I will meet at the Rainbow bridge and walk across together. It was Minny's way of telling me she's ok, she's in a happy place and looking at me being so sad is hurting her as well. In one of the darkest moments of sheer sadness over the loss of my most beloved pet, two days after her death, 23 hours of crying, I hear this song and know like a gun it was pointed at my head. The coming out, for me, was the shell of sadness.
When I need you most you would leave me."ĭuring your times of trial and suffering, "Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest I noticed that many times along the path of my life I looked back at the footprints in the sand. When the last scene of my life flashed before me, One belonging to me, and the other to the Lord. This poem has really helped me and if you need it, it will linger with you forever: "Footsteps in the Sand"Īcross the sky flashed scenes from my life.

You may not see him-you may not feel him, but he is there holding you every second. Just because you can't see or feel something doesn't mean that it isn't there: sometimes it is just waiting for us to find it completely before you can feel it with you all of the time. You may not feel him with you all of the time, but know that he is. God is with us through every breath you take, the easy times and definitely in the hard times. I just want to let you know that you are not alone. Then one of my friends at church prayed for me and with a lot of encouragement, I am almost back to the way I was before her death. I was the exact same way when I lost one of my friends October 2016.except with several months of crying and then it was the song "I won't let go" by rascal flats that helped me.well not really, but I heard it and it was the beginning of my healing. Hadassah from United StatesI'm sorry for your loss.Hi from At SomewhereIs the song brave a 1st or 3rd hand account.Jamal from San Franciscothis song is a first person account and was actually video taped when first presented to executives at Sony, Sara sings like a belle of the ball, way to go girl.Say What You Wanna Say from And Let The Words Fall OutI REALLY Like This Song And It Was Sung By Someone Else Called (IDR The Name) 'Lovey James'(?).